Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Sanguinarian on Kickstarter - Help Us Reach Our Goal! Get Prizes!

Wanna Help get The Sanguinarian Feature Vampire Film Seen? Do you wanna see it? Pledge funding via Kickstarter so we can submit and attend film festivals. If you have nothing to spare help spread the word, repost, share, tell your friends! Even the smallest pledge will help get this on the Big Screen in a city near you!

We've got tons of rewards to offer our backers, including some of the gorgeous props and costumes you can see in the film!

“The Sanguinarian”, an independent feature film, is a character study of Christoph, a suicidal vampire. Ambitious. Austere. Hypnotic. Writhing under the weight of a depression that would wrench the very bones of any other.

His journey through the blood law and sexual congress of his surreal world is a sensual ride, filled with stunning visual beauty, haunting music, and powerful lines. Is he destined to be the architect of his own destruction?

We have a completed film, with a dedicated fan base. It has the potential to become the kind of well-known cult classic that film professional and lay public alike re-watch and refer to. We need help getting it out there. Getting it in to festivals. Getting it shown. Yes film festivals are expensive to enter and all funds raised will go directly to help this film get seen!

Let the Blood Flow!